Wildlife Locations Greater Kruger Lion Pride and Cute Cubs

Lion Pride and Cute Cubs


A beautiful pride of lions visit Rosie’s Pan for a drink, giving us a fantastic closeup of life in the pride, and a look at incredibly cute lion cubs that enjoy playing together.

Social Lions

Lions are truly social, they live in groups called prides; prides consist of females and their young, these matrilines last generations with some prides consisting of older females, their daughters, granddaughters and their offspring. 

Lion bonds are reaffirmed throughout the day by sleeping close together, licking each other, touching faces and playing. Lions spend a lot of time resting, between 16 and 20 hours per day, they do sleep during this time too but will react to any disturbance readily. They are especially restful after a meal.

Being in a pride is great for hunting and safety. A male lion can look after more than one pride at a time and his job is to stop other males from coming into the territory and threatening his cubs. He lets other males know to stay away with the deafening roars which can be heard eight km away. 

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