Tembo Plains, Zimbabwe

Tembo Plains is located on the Zambezi river in the Sapi private reserve in Zimbabwe, bordering Zambia. ‘Tembo’ means elephant to honour the frequent visitors.

A Perfect Home for hippos
Tembo Plains is home to a variety of wildlife, most frequently, home to hippos who love the easy access to water and vast area of grass to graze. Hippos are the third largest land mammals behind elephants and rhinos.

How Hippos Behave
Hippos are highly territorial animals, but generally that is only the case when they are in the water, they are far less territorial on land. They will usually leave the water to feed individually.

It’s very difficult to sex hippos, so often a female and young bull will be indistinguishable. This hippo interaction is difficult to explain. It could just be a matter of irritation. Or a young hippo bull trying his luck.

By displaying his teeth and tusks, he shows dominance.
But we can’t say for certain what the reason is.
Maybe he just wants to eat what they’re eating.